
Educated at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Anna, Lilli and Ruthi graduated in the same class and brought their exceptional talents in Biology, Chemistry and Physics to America with that special flair, conscientiousness and precision that Germany is known for. The Locally Global Unternehmerinnen blog was their effort to spread the word to girls around the world that they can overcome the old preconceptions that women could not excel as scientists or entrepreneurs in a world where such endeavors had traditionally been dominated by men. With over twenty U.S. patents pending, they are a real force in an industry that often relies on integrating interrelated scientific disciplines to solve real world problems. Not wanting to stray too far from their field of expertise, they consider hiring QC’s Web Design and SEO to be one of the best moves they ever made to obtain Louisville SEO! It could be your’s, too if you seek Louisville SEO performed in the best possible way!